My creative journey began about 9 years ago. I had an idea to purchase 78 crystals which could be used with my Tarot Deck.
Back then crystals were fairly new to me so in order to learn more about the 78 crystals chosen I created my own mini crystal cards and added the meanings I had created on the back of the cards.
It soon became clear through social media that people loved my simple messages so fast forward to 2020 / 2021, I chose to continue my creative journey, I decided to retake all of the photos, and I rewrote a lot of the Crystal Messages.
The biggest transformation was rethinking the structure of the deck. I decided to only have 50 cards which are then categorised into 7 groups which represent the 7 main chakras.
Each chakra will then give you 7 inspiring Crystal messages to guide you on your journey in life.
The final card in the deck is known as The Master Crystal and represents the powerful energy of Clear Quartz.
Creating this deck has been an incredible journey of joy and my love for crystals has grown beyond belief.